Program: GN-2009B-Q-101
Title: | The Orion Protostar Survey: NIRI Spectroscopy of {\it Spitzer} Identified Protostars in the Orion Complex |
PI: | Charles A Poteet |
Co-I(s): | S Thomas Megeath, William Fischer, James Muzerolle, Lori Allen, Dan Watson, Nuria Calvet |
We propose moderate resolution 1.9-4.2~$\mu$m grism spectroscopy with
NIRI of {\it Spitzer} identified protostars in the Orion molecular
cloud complex. Orion contains the richest collection of
protostars within 500 pc and is the premiere region for studying
protostellar evolution in different environments - from crowded
clusters to isolation. This study will be part of a larger
comprehensive program to measure detailed properties of protostars in
the Orion molecular clouds using the {\it Spitzer}, {\it Hubble}, and
Herschel Space Telescopes. Using radiative transfer models, we will
use these data to determine the fundamental protostellar properties
such as gas infall rate, rotation rate, outflow cavity angle, and we
will trace the flow of gas from the protostellar envelope to the
central protostar. NIRI will provide information on the 3~$\mu$m ice
feature, hydrogen lines created by accretion onto the central
protostar, and photospheric features from the central protostar.