Program: GN-2008B-Q-21
Title: | Spectroscopy of Candidate Brown Dwarfs with Disks |
PI: | Kevin Luhman |
Co-I(s): | |
Using mid-infrared images obtained with the {\it Spitzer
Space Telescope}, I have identified several objects in nearby
star-forming regions that may be young brown dwarfs with circumstellar disks.
Some of these candidates could be the least massive class~II
(star+disk) and class~I (star+disk+envelope) sources found to date.
I propose to obtain optical and near-infrared spectra of these candidates
to verify that they are brown dwarfs rather than background sources, such
as red galaxies.
The confirmed brown dwarfs will be used to study the structure and evolution
of circumstellar disks and envelopes around brown dwarfs through
modeling of their spectral energy distributions and followup high-resolution
imaging with adaptive optics.
These results will also help test the embryo-ejection model for the
formation of brown dwarfs, which predicts that brown dwarfs should have
small disks and should not exist as isolated protostellar objects.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] An Infrared/X-Ray Survey for New Members of the Taurus Star-Forming Region
[ADS] A Census of Young Stars and Brown Dwarfs in IC 348 and NGC 1333
[ADS] Youth analysis of near-infrared spectra of young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs