Program: GN-2008A-Q-40

Title:Survey of Pa$\alpha$ in High Redshift Galaxies
PI:Casey Papovich
Co-I(s): Gregory Rudnick, Eiichi Egami, Marcia Rieke, Jane Rigby, Christopher Willmer


All studies of high redshift galaxies rely on the star formation rates (SFRs) based on local calibrations, usually hydrogen recombination lines. Of these, Paschen-$\alpha$ ($\lambda$1.8571~\micron) suffers the least from dust extinction, and is a direct tracer of the ionizing radiation from young stars. We are conducting a study of \paa\ in gravitationally lensed galaxies at $2 < z < 3$ using spectroscopy from an approved GO--4 Spitzer Space Telescope program. The lensing magnification of our galaxies ranges from factors of 4 to 30, making it possible to study ``typical'' star-forming galaxies at these redshifts directly with Spitzer. As part of our Spitzer proposal, we were awarded 26.3 hours of Gemini near-IR spectroscopy to measure \ha\ and (where possible) \hb\ line luminosities for four galaxies in our sample. \textit{The purpose of the current proposal is to rank our awarded Gemini allocation either as band 1 or band 2.} The near--IR spectra are crucial to correct the observed luminosities for dust extinction. We will then compare the \paa\ line luminosity against other SFR tracers commonly used at high redshifts: e.g., the UV luminosity, the rest-frame mid-IR emission features and luminosity, the far-IR luminosity, and the luminosity from the \ha\ emission line. Our galaxy sample spans the complete range of star-forming galaxy types at $2 < z < 3$. Therefore these measurements will provide our best SFR comparison yet obtained at high redshift.

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