Program: GN-2008A-Q-40
Title: | Survey of Pa$\alpha$ in High Redshift Galaxies |
PI: | Casey Papovich |
Co-I(s): | Gregory Rudnick, Eiichi Egami, Marcia Rieke, Jane Rigby, Christopher Willmer |
All studies of high redshift galaxies rely on the star formation rates
(SFRs) based on local calibrations, usually hydrogen
recombination lines. Of these, Paschen-$\alpha$
($\lambda$1.8571~\micron) suffers the least from dust extinction, and is a
direct tracer of the ionizing radiation from young stars. We are
conducting a study of \paa\ in gravitationally lensed galaxies at $2
< z < 3$ using spectroscopy from an approved GO--4 Spitzer Space
Telescope program. The lensing magnification of our galaxies ranges
from factors of 4 to 30, making it possible to study ``typical''
star-forming galaxies at these redshifts directly with Spitzer. As
part of our Spitzer proposal, we were awarded 26.3 hours of Gemini
near-IR spectroscopy to measure \ha\ and (where
possible) \hb\ line luminosities for four galaxies in our sample.
\textit{The purpose of the current proposal is to rank our awarded Gemini
allocation either as band 1 or band 2.} The near--IR spectra are
crucial to correct the observed luminosities for dust extinction. We
will then compare the \paa\ line luminosity against other SFR
tracers commonly used at high redshifts: e.g., the UV luminosity, the
rest-frame mid-IR emission features and luminosity, the far-IR
luminosity, and the luminosity from the \ha\ emission line. Our
galaxy sample spans the complete range of star-forming galaxy types at
$2 < z < 3$. Therefore these measurements will provide our best SFR
comparison yet obtained at high redshift.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Turning Back the Clock: Inferring the History of the Eight O'clock Arc