Program: GN-2008A-Q-15

Title:Confirming the first Y dwarfs from UKIDSS
PI:David Pinfield
Co-I(s): Sandy Leggett, Ben Burningham, Nicolas Lodieu, Paul Dobbie, Derek Homeier, Phil Lucas, Daniel Mortlock, Richard Jameson, Richard Smart, Motohide Tamura, Steve Warren, Cool Dwarf Science Working Group (See for full membership)


Y-dwarfs are the as yet undiscovered spectral class, cooler even than the known T dwarfs. Expected within the Teff~700-400K range, Y spectral characteristics may show evidence of atmospheric water clouds and strong ammonia absorption, and their discovery is a key science driver for the UKIDSS Large Area Survey (LAS). This proposal requests 47.9hrs to continue our triggering program with NIRI to spectroscopically confirm the first Y-dwarfs from amongst the very late T-like objects identified in the LAS. Our program has recently confirmed the first T8.5 dwarf ever, with a Teff~650-700K, using the first two UKIDSS data releases (Dr1 and Dr2). In 08A we will search a much larger area of sky (~1000 sq degs), and should discover ~60 late T dwarfs, ~15 of the rare T7.5+ objects, and ~3-5 potential record breakers with Teff=600-750K. Our 08A program has the greatest potential yet for discovering the prototype Y-dwarf.

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