Program: GN-2008A-DD-1

Title:Continued Spectroscopic Observations of the Unique X-ray Transient/Supernova in NGC2770
PI:Edo Berger
Co-I(s): Alicia Soderberg, Derek Fox, Paul Price, Avishay Gal-Yam, Antonino Cucchiarra, Brad Cenko


On 2008 Jan 9 UT we serendipitously discovered an extremely bright X-ray transient coincident with the outskirts of NGC2770 (d=27 mpc). The object exhibited a fast-rise exponential-decay ligh curve with a duration of about 600 s, as well as excess absorption, and a luminosity of about 10^42 erg/s. Such a transient has never before been detected. Subsequent to the discovery we initiated a comprehensive multi-wavelength campaign to monitor the object, centered on detailed optical spectroscopy from Gemini (as well as rapid VLA observations, optical photometry, and continued X-ray observations). The first optical spectrum revealed a smooth continuum with weak SN features, associating the object with the death of a massive star. Spectroscopy on subsequent nights showed the clear development of SN Ib/c features, corresponding to a normal member of this SN class. WE HAVE OBTAINED THE MOST DETAILED SET OF SPECTRA FOR ANY SN EVER OBSERVED. Thanks to the X-ray trigger we found the SN essentially at the time of explosion. Here we request continued spectroscopic monitoring of this unique event as the SN continues to evolve. In conjunction with our unique data sets (VLA, VLBA, CARMA, HST, Chandra), the Gemini observations will be leveraged to the maximum possible extent.