Program: GN-2007B-Q-13

Title:Stellar Metallicity Distributions and Kinematics in the Disk of M33
PI:Donald R Garnett
Co-I(s): Verne Smith, Jon Holtzman, Ata Sarajedini, Cristina Chiappini, Anatoly Klypin


We are measuring Ca II triplet lines for red giant stars in the Local Group spiral galaxy M33 with GMOS. These measurements will be used to measure metallicities and radial velocities for the giants in four fields ranging from 1 to 5 disk scale lengths from the center of M33. These data will be combined with color-magnitude data that we have obtained for these fields with the ACS on HST, we will use the data to derive the metallicity distribution for each field, the metallicity gradient and its variation with time, and the velocity dispersion of the old stellar populations as a function of age and metallicity. Ultimately, we will use this data to build a comprehensive empirical model for the chemical and dynamical evolution of M33, which can be compared with {\it ab initio} models. In 2005B we obtained full data for two of our ACS fields, and half of the exposures for a third. In 2006B we were awarded time but received no data. We request time in 2007B to complete the remaining observations so that the program can be completed. We also will follow up on kinematic evidence in one of our fields for a possible stellar stream superposed on the M33 disk.