Program: GN-2007B-Q-120

Title:Resonance in the Kuiper Belt: The History of the Outer Solar System
PI:JJ Kavelaars
Co-I(s): Brett Gladman, Jean-Marc Petit, Joel Parker


We propose to acquire astrometric observations of TNOs that have insecure orbits, i.e. TNOs which cannot yet be firmly assigned to a specific dynamical class, these objects are critical in the analysis of the relative dynamical classes in the Kuiper belt. Our additional observations are necessary to accurately classify these TNOs, particularly to unambiguously identify the resonant objects and determine their libration amplitude. These results are important for testing different models of the formation of the outer solar system, the fraction of objects in each resonance and the resonant argument libration amplitude are the most discriminant factors between these models. We also will use the new data to better understand the nature of the detached TNOs, and what process may have placed them in their current orbits.