Program: GN-2007A-Q-15

Title:Adaptive-Optics Imaging of Compact Elliptical Galaxies Discovered in the SDSS
PI:Marcio Maia
Co-I(s): Paulo Pellegrini, Luiz da Costa, Ronald Marzke, David Burstein


We request 1.2 hours with Gemini/NIRI and Altair in laser guide star mode to measure Ks-band surface brightness profiles of two compact elliptical galaxies discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Compact elliptical galaxies like the prototypes M32, NGC 4486B and NGC 5846A become difficult to distinguish from stars at distances beyond the Virgo cluster. Fortunately, the ugiz colors of compact elliptical galaxies distinguish them from the stellar locus, allowing a dramatic reduction of the otherwise prohibitive foreground contamination. Using this technique we have discovered nine new compact elliptical galaxies including two ultracompact dwarfs. The Gemini observations of two of these newly discovered dwarfs are essential for placing them on the fundamental plane and will yield new insight into the link between compact elliptical galaxies, spiral bulges, and ultracompact dwarfs.