Program: GN-2006B-Q-48

Title:GMOS-IFU spectroscopy of nearby E+A galaxies
PI:James Turner
Co-I(s): Marcel Bergmann, Warrick Couch, Chris Blake, Karl Gebhardt, Kenji Bekki


The transitory nature of E+A galaxies--which have experienced an abrupt halt to intensive star formation in an otherwise old stellar environment--provides a powerful opportunity for understanding galaxy evolution processes. Using the SDSS, we have identified some of the nearest known post-starburst galaxies (0.005<z<0.04). The locality of this sample allows us to investigate the E+A phenomenon in greater spatial detail than previous studies, which is critical for comparison with numerical simulations. Carrying on from our 2005B long-slit programme, we propose to follow up by mapping the detailed 2D kinematics and stellar properties of four of our most promising targets with the GMOS-IFU, to study their evolutionary influences. Together with our previous long slit data and imaging/IFU observations, this will facilitate the most detailed analysis to date of the evolutionary processes at work in a sample of E+A galaxies.

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