Program: GN-2006A-Q-36

Title:Outflows in the unique Broad Absorption Line "Radio Galaxy" 4C+72.26
PI:Chris Simpson
Co-I(s): Steve Rawlings, Joris Gerssen, Jeremy Allington-Smith, Matt Jarvis


We propose integral field spectroscopy of the unique Broad Absorption Line "Radio Galaxy" 4C+72.26 (6C 1908+72). Although classified as a radio galaxy in the literature, our more extensive observations indicate it is a reddened QSO. The suppression of the rest-frame ultraviolet continuum makes it possible to study the spatially extended line emission without being swamped by the nuclear emission. We aim to determine whether the highly extended (>20kpc) outflowing narrow-lines seen in this object are driven by the radio jet or the broad absorption line (BAL) outflow (or perhaps both). Since BALs are believed to exist in all active galaxies, but only a few per cent of such objects possess radio jets, BAL outflows are likely to be the mechanism for expelling gas from protogalaxies and solving the baryon cooling problem. We will use 4C+72.26 to determine the relative importance of the BAL and radio-driven outflows.

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