Program: GN-2006A-Q-25
Title: | NIR spectroscopy of 1999 CL158 (59358): Probing the Irradiation - Collisional resurfacing model. |
PI: | Daniela Lazzaro |
Co-I(s): | Mario Melita, Daniel Jones, Iwan Williams, Alvaro Alvarez-Candal |
The physical surface properties of a Kuiper Belt object is the result of
interplay between irradiation from the different kinds of cosmic rays and its collisional history. Objects that have undergone a recent-major collision will very likely have physical properties that are very
different from those of the bulk population. In particular, pristine ices
from the interior are expected to be present on the surface. We have determined that KBO 1999 CL158 (59358) has resided near its location
for no more than 7 Myr. Therefore, it is the strongest candidate to have undergone a major and recent collisional event in the whole trans-Neptunian
population. We propose to do a NIR spectroscopic study of this object
and hence to determine the properties of the KBOs interior material that
is now exposed on the surface. This study will help us to understand the interior composition of the whole trans-Neptunian population and
also that of the short period comets.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] A dynamical and observational study of an unstable TNO: 59358 (1999CL{158})