Program: GN-2005B-Q-12

Title:Gas in the Giant Planet Region of Disks
PI:Joan Najita
Co-I(s): John Carr, Matt Richter, Rachel Mason, Sean Brittain, Marty Bitner, Steve Strom


In the interest of service to the astronomical community, we propose to quantify the performance of Michelle/Gemini at echelle resolution by applying it to a challenging astrophysical problem: the detection of gas in the giant planet region of protoplanetary disks. Using Michelle, we will search for emission in the mid-infrared rotational lines of H$_2$. The rotational H$_2$ lines are a promising probe of gas in the giant planet region (1--10 AU). With high-resolution spectroscopy, we will be able to pinpoint the radial location of the emission as well as determine the temperature and mass of the emitting gas. Such observations can potentially measure the gas dissipation timescale in the giant planet region and thereby place a fundamental constraint on timescales for giant planet formation. In order to allow a broad community of potential Michelle users to gain experience with Michelle data, we waive the proprietary period for these data.