Program: GN-2005A-C-9
Title: | Cosmological Constraints from Ly$\alpha$ Forest Absorption Spectra of Close Quasar Pairs |
PI: | Joseph F Hennawi |
Co-I(s): | Scott Burles, Xiaohui Fan, Pat McDonald, Uros Seljak, Michael A Strauss, Gordon Richards, Martin White |
We propose to use Gemini GMOS and LRIS on Keck I to obtain moderate
dispersion spectra of the Ly$\alpha$ forests of close quasar pairs
discovered from the SDSS. Spectra with $\sim 100 \ {\rm km \ s^{-1}}$
resolution at high %($S/N$)
signal to noise ratio will enable us to measure
both line of sight and transverse Ly$\alpha$ forest absorption
correlations on scales as small as $\sim 40 \ \rm{h^{-1} kpc}$
(comoving). This will allow us to study the thermal history of the
IGM, measure the geometry of the universe at redshift $z\sim 2$, and
study the transverse proximity effect. After an extensive follow up
campaign to search for companions around SDSS quasars using the 3.5m
telescope at APO, we have discovered 73 new close quasar pairs with
separations, $2^{\prime\prime}<\Delta\theta<60^{\prime\prime}$ ($40
\ \rm{h^{-1} kpc}\lesssim R \lesssim 1 \rm{h^{-1} Mpc}$), spanning the
redshift range, $1.8\lesssim z \lesssim 2.9$, the largest such sample
in existence. We request 3 nights on Gemini to observe 10 high
redshift pairs, and 2 nights on Keck I to observe 10 lower
redshift blue pairs down to the atmospheric cutoff. Combined with data
from previous NOAO allocations and other facilities, these 20 new
pairs will provide us with the statistics we need for precision
cosmological constraints competitive with and complementary to the
CMB, supernovae, and large galaxy surveys.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Quasars Probing Quasars. IV. Joint Constraints on the Circumgalactic Medium from Absorption and Emission
[ADS] Quasars Probing Quasars. VII. The Pinnacle of the Cool Circumgalactic Medium Surrounds Massive z ~ 2 Galaxies
[ADS] Dissecting the Gaseous Halos of z ∼ Damped Lyα Systems with Close Quasar Pairs
[ADS] A Substantial Mass of Cool, Metal-enriched Gas Surrounding the Progenitors of Modern-day Ellipticals
[ADS] Quasars Probing Quasars. VI. Excess H I Absorption within One Proper Mpc of z ~ 2 Quasars
[ADS] Quasars Probing Quasars. I. Optically Thick Absorbers near Luminous Quasars
[ADS] Quasars Probing Quasars. II. The Anisotropic Clustering of Optically Thick Absorbers around Quasars