DataLabel Date Time Log Entry
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-002 2010-06-08 08:25:38 guide counts initially very low, this lasted for 5 minutes then counts suddenly returned to max with little variation.
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-003 2010-06-08 08:57:59 thick cloud for 3 minutes, observation paused waiting for counts to recover for another 2 minutes, paused a second time for another 4 minutes. For the remainder of the exposure the counts were highly variable, on the limit of CC70/90. With 6 minutes to go had to pause exposure again due to thick clouds. After being paused for 15 minutes the sky appeared to have cleared, we searched around and found the guide star again, must have drifted off the guider. The last 6 minutes the counts were up at max again. Majority of exposure was taken ing CC90 conditions, -EM
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-004 2010-06-08 09:50:36 No associated science -EM
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-005 2010-06-08 09:56:06 some cloud going through for 7 minutes, the guide counts dropped and exposure paused for 20 minutes. Finally I give up. Exposure read out early and set to USABLE.
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-006 2010-06-13 08:15:16 guide counts stable. IQ20, thinnest cirrus -AF
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-007 2010-06-13 08:47:45 GCALflat OK, ~30k at peak -AF
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-008 2010-06-13 08:53:15 guide counts stable. IQ20, thinnest cirrus -AF
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-009 2010-06-13 09:25:37 guide counts stable. IQ20, no cirrus -AF
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-010 2010-06-13 09:58:06 GCALflat OK, ~30k at peak -AF
GN-2010A-Q-41-1-011 2010-06-13 10:03:36 guide counts stable. IQ20, no cirrus -AF