DataLabel Date Time Log Entry
GN-2006A-SV-123-1-001 2006-01-18 13:20:29 Note - the wavelength calibration will probably need checked w/r/t the sky lines for each image to verify the 2.25 micron central wavelength setting (some problems w/ the grating turret central wavelength moving from the default value of 2.20 to the non-standard setting of 2.25 microns)
GN-2006A-SV-123-1-007 2006-01-18 14:48:16 Lost guiding after coming back from big offset setup, focus diverged - 8 mins lost to reacquire guiding. Focus diverged very badly shortly after guiding reacquired. Had to slew to a bright target to retune the primary - went to the telluric calibrator
GN-2006A-SV-123-1-008 2006-02-01 13:56:38 Changed offset pattern from abba to abab because the latter has less chance of problems initiating guiding when returning from long durations on the sky position. Altair non-AO correcting seeing reports 0."4. These data should be GOOD!
GN-2006A-SV-123-1-010 2006-02-01 14:25:25 Spatially extended H2 emission is apparent. it also looks like there's some spatially extended emission perhaps in the Q-branch, also.